GR Status Saver Downloader is a free wapp status downloader app that enables you to download or save WA video and image statuses effortlesslyIn this era of social media, we all want to keep something saved that is dear to us. With our excellent saver status app, you can now download your friend’s stories, images, status and videos to watch them anytime later. If you are looking for a status saving app that is simple yet effective, try this GR Status Saver Downloader without thinking twice. Do you want to save statuses without asking your friends? Do you want to save all the statuses that you want? Use GR Status Saver Downloader and make status downloading effortless. Never miss an important update from your friends and family again! Whether you are looking for an easy app tosave status for wa or a fast status downloader that is flawless, GR Status Saver Downloader is your only solution.How to Use GR Status Saver Downloader:> Open the status downloading app with the text repeater app> Open WA to view your friends statuses> Come Back to wapp status saver and> Download any status you want to save foreverClicking on the download option will allow you to keep the status saved forever!KEY FEATURES:👍 Wapp status saver is simple, easy yet flawless. Download or save viewed status forever with this wats_ app status downloader app.👍Using this status saver downloader app, you can effortlessly save photos, stories and videos and all types of statuses.👍This status saving app allows you to repeat any alphabet, word, sentence, or emoji up to 10,000 times, and it provides an option to open any wa chat without saving the number.👍Wapp status saver works online/offline worldwide.👍Status saver wapp is an easy, simple yet super-fast app to save status anytime you want.👍Watch saved status and videos using built-in status viewer.👍Save status for free and share them on various social media platforms using this free status saver.So, if you are looking for the most wonderful and effective wapp status downloader app to save others wa status, this status saver download pp is your right choice. Download our fast status downloader app to enjoy a seamless status downloading experience.Install GR Status Saver Downloader for free and start saving WA statuses instantly.Disclaimer: The saver status app assures its users that it will not collect any personal or private data, and is not affiliated with any third-party apps, including WA Inc. The app is not designed to hack or clone any data, but to provide an easy way for users to download and save Wapp statuses.